So Now What?


As Teaching Professionals, we have the opportunity to have more than one opportunity to have a new beginning each year. One, of course is at the beginning of the school year and then another comes at the beginning of the New Year. I’m probably not the only art teacher in the world who spends at least a little of the Winter Break to pause and reflect on my classroom and I can make it more organized and impactful and like this cup says that I bought for myself while Christmas shopping, “Set [my students’] world on color!”

To do this, I’ve got to know deep inside that Art is important to the well-being of my students. Art will make them more insightful. Art will help them express what they cannot express with words. Art will speak to them. Art will help them figure things out. Art will lead them to a better understanding of others. Art will help them look at life from different perspectives. I also believe that Art helps them write better, learn math better and wonder about Creation better. I know this because I have seen it transform students’ lives and their teacher’s life as well. If I didn’t believe this, I wouldn’t be doing this. But since I’m doing this and my passion seems to still be lighting some artful candles out there, I will take this into my 65th New Year. So, stand back if you get weak from the sight of ink stained manicures, paint splatters on my brand new white Airbirds and my baggie full of bottle caps. I am geared up and ready as ever to spread a little ROYGBIV on the dull, monotonous world of the mundane and I have the coffee cup to prove it!
