One Grid Section at a Time

There was a country hit back in the 1970's, "One Day at a Time," that was co-written by Kris Kristofferson and Marijohn Wilkin. Then there was the popular sitcom by the same name starring, Bonnie Franklin and Valerie Bertinelli. It's a nice phrase for us to remember when we get overwhelmed by the whole of life's pressures..Deuteronomy 33:25 puts it this way, "..As thy days, so shall thy strength be." My Granny Owens, who raised 10 children, had still another phrase, "Don't borrow trouble from tomorrow." Lately I've thought a lot about how this life lesson can apply to an art lesson on drawing with a grid. When a complicated image is looked at as a whole, it can also be overwhelming for students, but when that image is broken down by a grid overlay and the student learns to concentrate on one square at a time, it is much more manageable. Each square becomes a picture in itself and all that needs to be focused on are the lines, tones, shapes and spaces (positive and negative) in that one section. As the drawing matures,  one can look back as see the whole complicated image emerge and make more sense. Life is somewhat like that too. If we are in a season of life that has us feeling overwhelmed, it might help us as well, to focus on the day at hand..the art class lesson at hand..the student at hand..the moment at hand. If we don't, we might miss something that will effect the way the whole image emerges..and that something might also be a powerful work of art in and of itself. To view my instructional video on, "How to Draw Using a Grid," click this link:

