
"Ahh..." Photo by Melody Weintraub

"Ahh..." Photo by Melody Weintraub

So..how are you? Read any good books lately? What are your plans for this weekend? How’s that painting coming? Remember that blog you were going to start? How’s that going? Didn’t you say you were thinking of picking up the banjo? Isn’t this the third time your friend has called to get you to go with her to that improv theatre? No time? Too exhausted? What’s the use? If you feel like you are closing in on burnout, or if you have already arrived, stop to consider what you are doing for yourself that is fun and unrelated to teaching. All kinds of studies show that Play can actually recharge your brain and fight off the stress factors that are driving you to the brink of giving up. We can complain all day about mounds of mindless paperwork, and unfair policies, but at some point, we need to accept it and move onto something we can actually change. Ourselves. Focus on taking care of yourself, not just the physical self, but also the emotional self. Build in time to treat yourself to something fun. It will refresh your soul, recharge your brain and revitalize your teaching.
