Look Around

Photo by Melody Weintraub

Photo by Melody Weintraub

Sometimes in our day to day drudgery of slopping buckets of water around the art room or down the hall for Art on a Cart or going through stacks of papers on an already cluttered desk, or trying to soak paint out of a school uniform, we fail to look around. Sometimes as we squeeze through an inadequately-sized annex to see if students are, “getting it,” or picking up fifteen pencils in the hallway that you need in the art room or “decorating” the school’s bulletin boards, or matting work for art contests, we fail to look around. Pause for a moment today even a brief moment, while students are working and look around. Look what is going on. Realize it for a moment. This is an amazing calling. Tell your students to stop working and to look at you. Repeat this to them and mean it, “I have the best job in the world.”
